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Laboratory work

Programme Features

The Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (BBiomedSc) programme is global in outlook, with flexibility given to students in tailoring their interest-based learning, be it biomedical research, articulation to a healthcare profession, or innovation and entrepreneurship.

Core Topics

Human body

The structures and functions of the human body and the processes that are essential to life

Laboratory work

The basic principles of the processes, mechanisms, patterns of diseases and concepts of diagnostics and therapeutics

Professor teaching

The essential analytical methodologies and state-of-the-art contemporary information technology


The BBiomedSc programme offers a flexible curriculum with four distinct majors, allowing students to tailor their education to align with their interests and career goals in biomedical sciences.

Biomedical Research

This major covers molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, and pharmacology. It focuses on human body structures, life processes, disease principles, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Graduates gain practical skills in public and private sectors, including research in university and government labs, pharmaceutical development, diagnostics, medical equipment industries, and healthcare planning.


This major trains future leaders in biomedical big data applications such as genomics, precision medicine, AI medical imaging, and digital health. Graduates gain interdisciplinary skills in research, healthcare, and biotechnology sectors, meeting the growing demand for big data expertise in local and international research centres and the healthcare industry.

Clinical Sciences

This major prepares future healthcare professionals for careers in clinical research, medicine, and laboratory work. It provides a strong foundation in clinical sciences and essential skills for various healthcare settings. Graduates in this major will be highly sought after in multiple sectors, including clinical research, healthcare management, and public health roles in government or NGOs.

Health Technology

This major prepares biomedical scientists to lead in innovative biomedical technology. Graduates gain skills in synthetic biology, protein/RNA design and engineering, next-generation biomaterials, digital health, and precision medicine. Graduates in this field will be in strong demand in the growing biotechnology, digital health, and medical technology industries in Hong Kong and across the globe.


The BBiomedSc programme offers a flexible curriculum with four distinct majors, allowing students to tailor their education to align with their interests and career goals in biomedical sciences.

Biomedical Research

The Biomedical Research major covers molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, and pharmacology. It focuses on human body structures, life processes, disease principles, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Graduates gain practical skills in public and private sectors, including research in university and government labs, pharmaceutical development, diagnostics, medical equipment industries, and healthcare planning.

The Bioinformatics major trains future leaders in biomedical big data applications such as genomics, precision medicine, AI medical imaging, and digital health. Graduates gain interdisciplinary skills in research, healthcare, and biotechnology sectors, meeting the growing demand for big data expertise in local and international research centres and the healthcare industry.


The Clinical Sciences major prepares future healthcare professionals for careers in clinical research, medicine, and laboratory work. It provides a strong foundation in clinical sciences and essential skills for various healthcare settings. Graduates in this major will be highly sought after in multiple sectors, including clinical research, healthcare management, and public health roles in government or NGOs.

Clinical Sciences

The Health Technology major prepares biomedical scientists to lead in innovative biomedical technology. Graduates gain skills in synthetic biology, protein/RNA design and engineering, next-generation biomaterials, digital health, and precision medicine. Graduates in this field will be in strong demand in the growing biotechnology, digital health, and medical technology industries in Hong Kong and across the globe.

Health Technology


Students can plan their studies to acquire the remaining 90 credits by various combinations. They may take a minor and/or electives offered within the BBiomedSc curriculum or from other curricula.

Minor in Biotechnology & Clinical Research

Example courses:

  • Contemporary Topics in Biomedical Technology

  • Stem Cell Biotechnologies in Regenerative Medicine

  • Biopharmaceutical Research and Development

Minor in Kinesiology

Example courses:

  • Exercise Physiology

  • Biological Basis of Exercise and Health

  • Physical and Health Benefits of Exercise

Minor in Genetics & Genomics

Example courses:

  • Cancer Biology

  • Genome Science

  • Public Health Genetics

Minor in Biomedical Data Science

Example courses:

  • Global Health Informatics

  • Sequence Bioinformatics

  • Statistical Machine Learning

Minor in Digital Health

Example courses:

  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

  • Biomedical Signals Processing and Modelling in Biomedical Applications

  • Digital Health

Curriculum Structure

The BBiomedSc curriculum is designed with a good balance of structure and flexibility, allowing students to plan their studies according to their interests.

Students are required to complete a total of 240 credits of courses in the four-year curriculum:

  • Biomedical Sciences major courses: 96 credits

  • Common Core courses: 36 credits

  • Language Enhancement courses: 18 credits

  • Minor and/or electives: 90 credits

The Final Year Project and the Innovation Team Project are available as Capstone Experiences for students in their last year of study. The former allows students to integrate their knowledge and apply experimental and informatics skills to solve defined problems through research. The latter stimulates students to evaluate biomedical research output for translation into viable products to the intricacies of setting up a company.

Major-Specific Curriculum

Year 1 (30 credits)

Compulsory course (6 credits)

  • BBMS1003 Perspectives in Biochemistry

Any 4 courses from the following list (24 credits)

  • BBMS1001 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

  • BBMS1011 Fundamental Biomedical Laboratory Techniques

  • COMP1117 Computer Programming

  • BIOF1001 Introduction to Biomedical Data Science

  • CHEM1041 Foundations of Chemistry / CHEM1042 General Chemistry I

  • MATH1013 University Mathematics II

Year 2 (24 credits)

Compulsory courses (24 credits)

  • BBMS2013 Biomedical Statistics / BIOF2013 Biomedical Statistics (Bioinformatics)

  • BBMS2007 Essential Molecular Biology

  • BBMS2003 Human Genetics

  • BBMS2011 Research Methods in Medicine and Health Sciences

Year 3 - 4 (30 credits)

Any 1 laboratory course (6 credits)

  • BBMS3004 Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory

  • BBMS3111 Experimental Design and Approaches for Biomedical Science

Any 4 courses from the Disciplinary Elective Course List (24 credits)

Year 4 (12 credits)

Any 1 course (12 credits)

  • BBMS4001 Final Year Project

  • BBMS4012 Innovation Team Project

Articulation Programme

There are three possible articulation pathways after the BBiomedSc (4 years).

The University of Edinburgh
  • Duration: Additional 3 years

​Students will study the first-year courses of the BVM&S curriculum at The University of Edinburgh. Upon completion of the one-year attachment in Edinburgh, students will return to finish the 4th year of study of BBiomedSc at HKU. After satisfactory completion of the BiomedSc curriculum at HKU, students can opt to continue studying the remaining three years (2nd, 3rd and 4th) of the BVM&S curriculum at The University of Edinburgh. Upon successful completion, students can obtain two degrees from the two universities and qualify as veterinary surgeons in seven years.

The University of Sydney
  • Duration: Additional 1.5 years

​Students will study the prescribed courses of MDR at The University of Sydney. The credits earned will be counted towards their HKU degree. Students will return to HKU in their 4th year to complete their BBiomedSc degree. Upon graduation, they can return to Sydney for the remaining 1.5 years of the MDR programme. Students may apply for full registration to practice in Hong Kong upon completion of both programmes and register as a Diagnostic Radiographer provided all registration requirements are met as stipulated by the Hong Kong Supplementary Medical Professions Council.

The University of Hong Kong
  • Duration: Additional 4 years

​Year 3 students will begin the second semester of the first-year MBBS curriculum at HKU. Afterwards, they will resume their 4th year of BBiomedSc study. Once they complete the Biomedical Sciences curriculum and meet the admission criteria for the MBBS curriculum, they will be directly admitted to Year 2 of the MBBS curriculum. Additionally, they will be exempted from the Year 3 enrichment year requirement. By completing the program, students can earn a BBiomedSc and MBBS degree from HKU within eight years.

Intercalated Programme

The University of Hong Kong
  • Duration: Additional 1 year

The Master of Public Health (MPH) intercalated programme provides comprehensive training on various current healthcare topics. Students will be awarded an intercalated MPH degree after completing the undergraduate programme. Students will pursue the MPH programme in Year 3. During the 1-year full-time programme, students will select one of the concentrations offered by the Master of Public Health. The available concentrations are:

  • Public Health Practice (PHP)

  • Epidemiology and Biostatistics (EB)

  • Control of Infectious Diseases (CID)

  • Health Economics, Policy and Management (HEPM)

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